Stories of the Womb ALBUM
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#feminine power #sisterhood #blood #menstrual power #ancient wisdom #death #life #voice #feminism #sexuality #pregnancy #fertility #midwifery

Photo & Design: Judith Neumeyer
“Stories of the womb” is my first album, in which I give a voice to a vision of our world that honours us all.
I want to create a sacred space for the experience of being a woman in this world.
With my songs I want to break the silence and invisibility that has been used to deny the reality of women’s lives and experiences, historically and systematically.
We need more space for women’s perspectives.
Their experiences. Their bodies. Their voices. Their suffering. Their stories.
At the same time “Stories of the womb” is an offering of nourishment, understanding, compassion and loving sisterhood.
May it serve you in the best way possible.
Stories of the Womb
Song 1_Whipspers of the blood wisdom
Song 2_Pleasure
Song 3_Rite of passage
Song 4_Breast is best
Song 5_To be free
Song 6_Song for all daughters
Song 7_Ended beginnings
Song 8_Sound of the drum
Song 9_Voice of the feminine
Tell me what arises for you listenting to the songs right here right now!!!

With all my heart I offer this Songbook to you:
For me it was very important to not leave you alone with some of the sensitive topics I sing about.
Please see this Songbook as invitation for further research, growth and stepping into your power.
In the Songbook you can find:
* Lyrics for all songs
to sing along and really take the time to feel into the words
* Ritual & Invitation
to explore more with your body and soul
* Reflection questions
to integrate or to question what arises for you
* More ressources
a way to find more information & community
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